Flavia Daniel
UAL Camberwell College - BA (Hons) Fine Art: Sculpture
Self Portrait (2020-22)
This installation explores themes of identity and the evolving mental space that we inhabit. With the mind being where our truest ‘self’ lies, this piece is an abstract ‘self-portrait’. Using imagery intrinsically linked to personal identity in the form of textiles. From personal items and organic shapes, from natural surroundings, a fragmented idea of the ‘self’ morphs together in a surreal way, reflecting the warped and abstract nature of the mind. Latex is used synonymously with skin and flesh, the limp weighted forms represent the body during mental overwhelm. The frame provides the only source of structural integrity for the ‘body’ with any reorientation coming from external sources. The orb, reminiscent of a crystal ball feeds a pearly substance into the frame, acting as the ‘mother’, parasitic in nature infecting the frame.
This installation explores themes of identity and the evolving mental space that we inhabit. With the mind being where our truest ‘self’ lies, this piece is an abstract ‘self-portrait’. Using imagery intrinsically linked to personal identity in the form of textiles. From personal items and organic shapes, from natural surroundings, a fragmented idea of the ‘self’ morphs together in a surreal way, reflecting the warped and abstract nature of the mind. Latex is used synonymously with skin and flesh, the limp weighted forms represent the body during mental overwhelm. The frame provides the only source of structural integrity for the ‘body’ with any reorientation coming from external sources. The orb, reminiscent of a crystal ball feeds a pearly substance into the frame, acting as the ‘mother’, parasitic in nature infecting the frame.

Krisztina Kerekes
University of Suffolk - BA (Hons) Fine Art
Ancient Egypt
With this work, I want to show that Ancient Egypt is full of mysteries and wonderful buildings.. Of course, we get answers through research. Archaeologists and historians are discovering the secrets of the pyramids, but there are things we can only guess at, such as how the sphinx's nose broke off, how the pyramids were built, and what is going on with the excavations in the chambers. We can only guess a lot.
With this work, I want to show that Ancient Egypt is full of mysteries and wonderful buildings.. Of course, we get answers through research. Archaeologists and historians are discovering the secrets of the pyramids, but there are things we can only guess at, such as how the sphinx's nose broke off, how the pyramids were built, and what is going on with the excavations in the chambers. We can only guess a lot.

Louis Simon McCullough
Gap Year - Travelling
The theme of this piece is a culmination of various parts of European culture through the ages; specifically religion and music, into a contemporary ritual video that celebrates national animals and characters as well as the act of getting involved in an event.
The theme of this piece is a culmination of various parts of European culture through the ages; specifically religion and music, into a contemporary ritual video that celebrates national animals and characters as well as the act of getting involved in an event.

Dillon Skomro
University of Hertfordshire - BA (Hons) Model Design
The Feral One
This is a small video I've made there's no real storyline. I've just kinda gone with the flow on this one, but im happy with the unsettling feeling it's put across now it's all together. I've focused mainly on creating the props/costume in the video. Hopefully putting across a Peter Jackson Bad Taste sorta vibe
This is a small video I've made there's no real storyline. I've just kinda gone with the flow on this one, but im happy with the unsettling feeling it's put across now it's all together. I've focused mainly on creating the props/costume in the video. Hopefully putting across a Peter Jackson Bad Taste sorta vibe